- Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission
For the ISS2023, Plenary and Invited presentations will be oral. A limited numbers of the selected contributed papers will be oral, and the others will be arranged as poster presentations.
Please note all abstract must be submitted at Morressier.
The Morressier Abstract Submission System is currently down due to a temporary technical issue. The problem is expected to be solved in 24 hours.
If you would like to submit your abstract immediately, please email it to: info4iss@iss-secretariat.org with pdf or Microsoft Word Document.
Please let us know your presentation preference (oral/poster/no preference) and the category(PC/ED/AP/WB).
The problem with the Morressier Abstract Submission System has been restored. Please submit your Abstract from the Morressier Abstract System. In addition, even if you submitted it by email, we would appreciate it if you could re-submit it from the system.
We would deeply apologize for this inconvenience.
If you would like to submit your abstract immediately, please email it to: info4iss@iss-secretariat.org with pdf or Microsoft Word Document.
Please let us know your presentation preference (oral/poster/no preference) and the category(PC/ED/AP/WB).
If you do not have your account for Morressier, please create your account before submitting your abstract. Please note, registration fee must be paid before you submit the abstract. No abstract will be accepted without registration fee payment. The submitted abstract can be modified and re-updated until the deadline. If you need to modify your abstract, please contact the ISS Secretariat (info4iss@iss-secretariat.org).
20 August 2023, 11:59 PM(JST)
Instruction for Abstract-Preparation
- At least one presenting author is requested to finish the registration procedure before submitting his/her abstract.
- The abstract should be written in English.
- The title must be written less than 180 characters.
- Please write down the names and affiliations for all the co-authors accurately.
- The abstract body should be written down less than 5000 characters.
- You can use superscripts, subscripts and Greek letters. Please follow instructions in the abstract submission system.
- Abstracts for all the ISS presentations will be showed in the ISS2023 website on November 21. If you do not agree to open the abstract on November 21, please contact the ISS2023 secretariat (Info4iss[at]iss-secretariat.org (replace [at] with @)).